Thursday, June 23, 2011

Welcome Summer

Summer is finally here. The air outside last night was so thick and humid, you can see the haze hanging over the meadow. It was a nice night for a garden walk after the sun had gone down.

I can't wait to see this delphinium bloom. I just bought it this year at Baker's Acres.

The hummingbirds seem to really like the penstemon.

And here is one of our new babies waiting for his dinner!

The parents don't appreciate having their offspring photographed.

And finally, I think you'll have to open this picture to really see it. It's a time-lapsed photo of a firefly crawling up my arm. I had to hold very still and just as Dan clicked the shutter, a mosquito started attacking me. Not fun, but this photo was totally worth it!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Everson 60/60

Every June for the past three years I have participated in 60/60, an event at the Everson Museum where 60 local artists have 60 minutes to create or finish a piece of artwork to be raffled off at the end of the evening. It's always a great time, but I think it's the fastest hour I experience all year. I tried working from a blank canvas last year, but I find it's much easier to talk to people if I start my painting the night before and just finish it during the hour. This year I worked on a painting of a fox.

Here is the finished product! I titled it "A Sunny Corner in the Meadow". Below is a picture of all the paint pails that people can put their raffle tickets in.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Perfect timing

This weekend, Dan and I walked the Westcott Art Trail where about 25 local artists were displaying their work. It was a lot of walking, but really worth the time. Most of the work was set up under tents in front yards, but some artists had work set up in their back yards with beautiful gardens. I fell in love with this fat bunny sculpture by Candace Rhea, (you can see him in the bottom right corner) but I like to think about things before purchasing.

Dan found some artwork that caught his eye in Tim See's pottery booth. He bought a couple of very manly mugs , one of which appears to be made of metal. We had so much fun visiting all the artists and gardens that we didn't have time to see it all. We went back on Sunday to see the rest of the artists, and I was still thinking about the bunny. We stopped at Sabrina Nedell's booth (also know ad ADK Girl).

She had some fantastic ceramic pieces for sale. I bought a bird house and a feeder. I also really liked her fairy houses and mugs.

Right next to her booth, I ran into one of my "Squam Sisters", Linda. It was SO great to see an old Squam friend!

Then we went over to see my friend Jen Gandee who runs Gandee Gallery in Fabius. I've taken a few ceramics classes with her and I couldn't wait to see her new hypertufa art.

Dan was also very taken with the hypertufa gardens and ended up purchasing one made by Jen's daughter.

So finally it was time to go see the bunny and I had pretty much decided that if he was there, I'd bring him home. We headed back to Candace's backyard and there he was sitting on the deck. Then I made the mistake of stopping to say hello to Marley, the big gray poodle. As I was petting Marley, a woman picked up the fat bunny... and never put him down. “I've been thinking about him since I saw him yesterday!” she told Candace. So had I!!!

It was kind of sad and really funny at the same time. I asked the lady if I could take a picture of him, and I told her that she'd gotten to him just in time because I'd come back to get him too! She looked really sorry, so I told her I was glad he was going to a good home. She told me all about her gardens in her small city lot that she'd been working on for a long time and where she was going to put her new rabbit sculpture.

Candace over heard us talking and she said she had another rabbit down in the studio that I could look at, but he was very different. She brought him up and handed him to me. He was different, but totally adorable (AND quite a bit less expensive!!) so I was very excited to take him home. What perfect timing that all turned out to be!

And speaking of back home, we'd spent a majority of our weekend at the Art Trail so there was quite a to-do list waiting there for us. And there wasn't much left of the day. But every now and then, I think it's important to forget the to-do list and just be.

So, even though they're not all neat and tidy yet, here's a peek at what's coming up in the gardens, including some laundry on the clothes line... there is nothing like line-dried sheets in the summer!

While I was mulching the lilac garden, a Swallowtail kept landing on the leaves of the peony bush. It took me a while to realize that she was laying eggs! I don't know if you can make them out, but I put some circles around them to help you find the eggs.